Over at Grandma’s House

Double, double toil and trouble;
Blade awhirr and blender bubble.

“Hi grandma, what’re you concocting?” asked Sally.

Grandma cackled and continued casting ingredients into the bowl.

Beggar’s buttons, tooth of lion,
Fox’s clote and snout of swine,
Happy major, and priest’s crown.
Chop them up and drink it down.

Sally wrinkled her nose. “Urg! Sounds disgusting. I’m not drinking that!”

“Oh really?” smiled grandma, “but you usually like my old-fashioned dandelion and burdock smoothies.”

My entry in the May 2024 75 Word Story Challenge at SFFChronicles

Some explanation is probably needed.
The ingredients mentioned in the incantation are old names for dandelion and burdock.
Lion’s Tooth, Swine’s Snout, Priest’s Crown: Dandelion Taraxacum Officinale
Beggar’s Buttons, Fox’s Clote, Happy Major: Burdock Arctium Lappa

Old Names For Herbs at shirleytwofeathers.com