On the 7th of June 1665

On the 7th of June 1665 I walked down the street…

…and saw a few houses with a red cross on their door and the words ‘Lord have mercy on us!’ These were the first signs of the plague I saw.

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How To Tell Two Things Apart

A transcript of the introduction to a lecture given by an eminent professor on how to tell two things apart.

“Good evening ladies and gentleman. Let me begin by telling you how pleased I am to see such a large turn out for tonight’s lecture, due, no doubt, to the pre-eminence of this evening’s guest speaker. He is a man who, I am sure you are all aware, has dedicated his life to the pursuit of the subject in which we are all so fascinated. I can say, without fear of contradiction, that he is the world’s leading authority and has written some two dozen books on the subject, amongst which is, of course, that seminal work ‘Vive La Divarication’.

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Captain Starshine Invites You On A Trip In His Astrocharabanc

Welcome ladies and gents. Hello you boys and girls.
We’re going on a journey that’s out of this world.

So we’ll say goodbye to the planet of your birth.
That overcrowded, blue green planet known as Earth.
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