Fronkonstone; or, the Antiquated Prometheus

“Ygor, pull the switch,” ordered Professor Fronkonstone.

The generators cracked into action. Lightning arced. The smell of ozone permeated the air. The creature stirred.

“It lives! It lives!” cried Fronkonstone.

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The Law and Order Alliance

The Law and Order Alliance of Extraordinary Super-Duper Heroes versus Ora Magnappetitus, Galactoshark

Professor Xylem strode onto the stage and raised his arms. Gradually the room fell silent.

“I’ve called this meeting of the Alliance because grave news has reached us from our outpost orbiting Neptune. Ora Magnappetitus, the Muncher of Planets, has entered our solar system. Already Pluto has been gnawed and three of its moons nibbled. We need ideas on how to stop his progress before he reaches the inhabited zone.”

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How To Tell Two Things Apart

A transcript of the introduction to a lecture given by an eminent professor on how to tell two things apart.

“Good evening ladies and gentleman. Let me begin by telling you how pleased I am to see such a large turn out for tonight’s lecture, due, no doubt, to the pre-eminence of this evening’s guest speaker. He is a man who, I am sure you are all aware, has dedicated his life to the pursuit of the subject in which we are all so fascinated. I can say, without fear of contradiction, that he is the world’s leading authority and has written some two dozen books on the subject, amongst which is, of course, that seminal work ‘Vive La Divarication’.

Continue reading “How To Tell Two Things Apart”