Fronkonstone; or, the Antiquated Prometheus

“Ygor, pull the switch,” ordered Professor Fronkonstone.

The generators cracked into action. Lightning arced. The smell of ozone permeated the air. The creature stirred.

“It lives! It lives!” cried Fronkonstone.

Continue reading “Fronkonstone; or, the Antiquated Prometheus”

Near Meetings of the Fourth Type

“Hello, Mission Control. Task Force Four reporting. I mean Task Force Three. Sorry, I often confuse those numbers.
We’re proud to report the target planet successfully conquered. The only resistance encountered was some sort of curious vehicle. Easily defeated by tipping it over.

Continue reading “Near Meetings of the Fourth Type”

Good Luck Will Rub Off

So here I am wearing my lucky underpants. I’m about to blast-off on the first solo mission to Mars, so I’m not leaving anything to chance.

“Mission control here. We have detected some extra weight aboard. Did you take on anything unauthorised?”

“Well, there’s my four-leaf clover.”

Continue reading “Good Luck Will Rub Off”


With your imagination as the key you unlock a door to another dimension. A dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of touch, a dimension of taste, a dimension of smell. A dimension of children’s laughter and tinkling streams, a dimension of gambolling lambs and frolicking ponies, a dimension of soft velvet cushions and gentle summer breezes, a dimension of the finest Belgian chocolate and sweetest French Champagne, a dimension of freshly baked bread and newly bloomed roses. You’ve just opened the door to… The Comfort Zone.

Continue reading “Dimensions”

It All Depends On Where You’re Standing

Everyone on Earth remembers the day the oceans dried up. Or should that be emptied?
The sudden darkness as a colossal spaceship appeared above the Pacific.
The destructive tsunamis created by vast pipes plunged into the ocean.
The deafening roar as almost all Earth’s seas were siphoned away.
A planet destroyed. All in one day.
Continue reading “It All Depends On Where You’re Standing”