Man Cannot Live By Bread Alone

Man cannot live by bread alone

He needs some butter and some jam or marmalade, the kind with the thin slices of peel not the large slices because they can often be a bit too chewy and tend to get stuck in the gaps between your teeth unless you have perfect teeth or false ones which are perfect but the chances of that are very remote unless your parents were very rich and they hired you your own dentist to make sure you looked after your teeth properly but that would cost a lot of money so your father would need to be a millionaire or possibly even a billionaire who makes so much money every day that he does not know what to spend it on so he spends it on anything that anybody wants so long as it is not something nasty that does nobody any good like nuclear warheads which tend to kill people at least they would if they were exploded and then the world would be in a bad way because all industry would be wiped out and any survivors would have to live like their ancestors did by hunting and farming and making bread but

(c) M. Robert Gibson
First written 1988-10
While on a trip around Southern Europe
A sort of stream of consciousness that didn’t require punctuation